This friend of mine is currently doing her PhD at West Virginia University, Morgantown, USA. Not many people know about Morgantown as it is just a small university town in the east coast. But those who follow The US college football will note of its existence as West Virginia University is in the top three of the national ranking (Go Mountaineers!!)
There is this song, sung by John Denver "Almost heaven, West Virginia - Blue ridge mountains Shenandoah river - Life is old there, older than the trees - Younger than the mountains growing like a breeze".
Couldn't agree more. I spent three great years there and trust me when I say that the scenery is so beautiful and splendid especially during fall/autumn... when the leaves change and crimson. It's so picturesque. I remember spending hours at the Arboretum near the coliseum ... sometimes taking a walk down the paths, sometimes reading book while having my daily dose of mountain dew and snickers (hahaha.. my main diet at that time), or sometimes just lazing around, doing nothing.
I learned a lot there. Formally, I got my degree. but informally, I learned a lot about life and living. That is something that I will always treasure.
I remember falling in love for the first time there and I also remember having my heart broken for the first time there too. Even though it happened so long ago, but it is still very clear in my mind. I can still picture myself crying my heart out in my room while listening to Whitney Houston's All At Once.. over and over and over.
I also remember partying at the discos after the semesters ended. Our favorite was the one at the Holiday Inn. Can't remember the name though. The first time I went to the disco, I had to borrow somebody else's ID as those below 21 are considered as under aged. I remember the guy who checked my ID looked at me up and down a few times before letting me go in. Then only I realized that the height stated in the ID was 5 feet while I'm much taller than that. No wonder he was skeptical.
This morning my friend mentioned that it started snowing a couple of weeks back and last week the snow was about one feet high. That reminds me of a time when I was stucked in the snow while climbing up a hill to the PRT station (something like LRT). Instead of taking the stairs, I took the shortcut.. ignoring the fact that it snowed quite heavily the night before. Luckily there were 2 guys who were kind enough to pull me out (at that time I was not as heavy as I am now... hehehehe).
Then there was this incident, also happened during winter. I was on my way to class, around 8am and the road was icy and slippery. Instead of my wearing my normal winter boots, I wore my high heels and my suit that morning as I had presentation to do. I think you can guess what happened. Yup, I slipped and fell. It was so embarrassing. Luckily it was still early in the morning and nobody was around except for one lady. She asked me if I was alright and instead of answering her, I asked whether my hair looked okay. Duh, how vain I was...hahahaha.
Well, those were the days...when life was a lot less complicated than now. All I had to worry was how to look good, academically and physically.
Sometimes I miss morgantown and WVU. I just wish that one day I am able to go there again. It would really be nice to be able to visit those places that always have a special place in my heart.

Hi Nana
What a lovely recollection of the past. Some significant moments in life will always live on in your heart no matter how many years have gone by.
That song, "All At Once" is a heart-breaking song for sure. If one listens to it after a break-up, it is even worse. Ah! but it is all part of life. We hurt, we heal, we move on.
I hope you get to go back to Morgantown some day. I can only imagine the emotions that will run through you when you finally step into that town again - lots of memories will come flooding in.
Take care, Nana.
Hi JT,
Thanks for dropping by.
I really do hope that one day I have the chance to go there again. It would be great if I could show my husband and my daughter the house that I used to stay, the places that I used to 'lepak', the restaurants that I used to frequent, etc, etc.
We plan to go to the States next year.... when my daughter is tall enough to go on the rides at Disneyworld. I told my husband to include Morgantown in our itinerary. Hopefully it will materialize. In the meantime, I can always visit it in my dreams.. :)
Hi Akmal,
Yes, I had a great time there. Infact many of the best moments of my life happened there.... except for the broken hearted part of course.
Well, it would be nice if the lady thought of me that way. Couldn't really gauge as I was in a hurry. I was 21 at that time and like most of other 21-year olds.. appearance is very important.
Thanks for coming. I will add you in my ym friend list.
I am sorry to hear that life is more complicated for you now than before. Don't worry its just a cycle. It will be less complicated again when you reach my age hahahaha. I feel at ease with myself now. If not for my daughter going to college and leaing her daughter for me to take care for her, I will be going for a short holiday somewhere this March.
Just be patient and wait for life to change for the better.
Joke aside, when we know we are at the tailend of life, we really feel the years, months and days are numbered. So which would you choose?
that song...brings me back to my a level days....
thanks for sharing...nicely written. suka baca.
... country roads, take me home
to the place I belong, West Virginia... what a beautiful song...
What a memory... well there were ups and downs in life, those actually molded us into matured adults.
Pak Zawi, is more complicated now. I have to think twice or trice and sometimes more before I make any decisions. There are obligations, commitments and responsibilities and I have to take into consideration.
Hopefully, as you said, it's just a cycle. I guess you are right. When I look at my mum, she seems to be more at ease and comfortable with her life now.
Thanks for visiting Pak.
That song is sort of our university song, unofficially. Most mountanineers know the song by heart..:)
Definitely.. the ups and downs in our life help in molding us into who we are. Along the way, we become more mature and much wiser (hopefully).
Hi Nana, had heart problems in University days? Heart broken I mean. Kesian. Bet you used up few boxes of tissues, huh?
Very interesting read of your past...couldn't help laughing you and the ID incident, ha ha.
I agree with you, nothing like the old days, but I guess regrets you have, but too few to mention...most important, you got your degree as well a good time there.
I must chari my Atlas where Morgantown is? Ha ha.
Anyway, you keep well Nana.
I have been busy making sure I too don't have heart problems the past few la! Not women problems, stock market...sampai lupah my blog and Irene too as bila G. Bush start coughing, we all catch the flu!
Nasib baik still can eat fish and kangkong as managed to chabut most of my stocks out of the mortuary, ha ha. Otherwise eat porridge and ikan bilis. Thus no time to decode Irene's continuation. Will do so today, publish Satuda. Senang datang for kopi and donuts. Lee.
nana...bila nak update entry baru ..:)
Yup, got my heart broken before. I was young, naive and a romantic fool. Well.. those were the days.
I guess the stock market is getting better now because i saw a few postings about irene already. Finally, I managed to go over to your place after disappearing for a couple of weeks from blogland.
Thanks for visiting U.Lee.
Hi Idham,
Yes, I'm in the process of updating my blog. Been busy these couple of weeks. :)
Hi Nana,
I really enjoyed the snippets you shared with us of your days at Uni. Gosh! The wintry ice. I was in Nottingham UK and that was where I experienced lotsa snow but nothing compared to your snow you experienced! Ha ha.
My friend slipped right infront of my house on black ice and broke her arm...not even wearing high heels. And you did? And youasked if your hair was ok..ha ha..that makes the wto of us...utterly vain!
Lemme share with you this snippet of mine:
I had a small accident in the lab where in UK at college (doing A-levels). I had a small (read: teensy weensy) explosion during an experiment in chemistry class. The lecturer was very concerned about my well being and yup..I did the same. I only asked if any of my hair got burnt and I dashed to the toilet to look in the mirror! They all cracked up!
The heartbreak? None of us ever forget any of of those..sob!
Happy hols.
Hello Nana, I read your reply here re your 'hair', and Ruby's too.
I have yet to meet a woman, young or matured who is not vain.
And I can tell you, vain women are interesting women, ha ha.
You keep well, Nana. Best regards, Lee.
Hi nana.
Was googling around for mrsm kuantan when i stumbled on ur blog. Reading about morgantown and the memories u shared with it is just like reading one of my very own diary entries on Wichita Falls that is still very much vivid in my mind, despite the 18 years that I have not seen it. 18 years.. and yet those trips to Target, Food Emporium, K-Mart seemed to happen just like yesterday.. Everything seems to be much more beautiful during the days u were younger, freer, wilder and lighter, of coz!
Hi Ruby,
Glad to know that I'm not alone in being vain. :)
I guess I was lucky that nothing bad happened to me.. besides my injured ego. But, after that, for quite a while, I was scared to wear heels when it snowed.
Thanks for the visit and thanks for sharing for story. Enjoyed it.
Hi U. Lee,
I guess you are right. All women are vain actually.. in their own way.
Some women are born vain and some become vain to please others. As for me.. it's because it makes me feel good.
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