AWESOME!!!!! That is what I can say about the much awaited, recently held reunion dinner for MRSM Kuantan Alumni, best known as KUATAGH, last Saturday (5th Jan 2008).
Once again, our batch recorded the largest number of participants who turned up for the event. There were supposed to be 102 confirmed participants from our batch but on that night a few didn't manage to come and at the end the last count was 94. Not bad at all! 94 out of 600 are from our batch.
I arrived at Sime Darby Convention Centre around 6.30pm with my BFF (gosh! have not used this term for a long long time. Thanks for reminding me, Nini). Good for us as those who came late had to park outside the building.
Eventhough we have left MRSM for quite a while.. it has been yearsssssss ago (more like.. once upon a time...), one thing that never change is once we are among friends, we sort of like transported back to the old days. Screams of excitements can be heard from all corners of the ballroom, particularly ours. There were also a lot of huggings and kissings.
No words can describe the joy of seeing some of the old friends whom I have not met for over 20 years. Some remain more or less like before (much to my envy), some have changed physically (including me), and some look even better than what they used to be (hmmm... I definitely envy them the most!!!).
It was great to get together with friends again. We had fun talking and reminiscing about the old days. Had fun teasing each other about old flames. We even had fun catching some of us in action... :)
Those are the people whom I grew up with. Had been with them during my adolescence years.. we used to share not just foodstuffs and things.. but it goes beyond that. We shared our laughs, our sorrows and our dreams together.
The reunion did not stop there. Around 30 of us proceeded to a mamak restaurant in Taman Tun after that for teh tarik and roti canai... and of course for more laughters and catching ups, which lasted until 3am. It's amazing to see that as we mature, we appreciate friends, especially old friends, even more.
To all my friends.. you guys are GREAT! AWESOME!
MRSM Kuantan? My son Azuan was there too after being transfered from Jasin.
Kak Nana,
Reunion eh? Interesting indeed. Meeting ol' friends, chat over the memories made together, the mishieves and what not hahaha. I guess the feeling would be much stronger when we're grown up, made our own way apart, getting married, got children, make new friends...hey, I am missing my schooldays already hahaha.
You have a nice day kak Nana.
Hello Nana,
Woo...I can understand how you felt! Exhilarating kan? Exciting!
I always am amazed whenever I went to any reunion as to the noise generated. I would come back with a sore throat..ha ha! That is the indication as to how we lost ourselves with our dear friends. Great group photo.
Pak Zawi,
Yup, I was from MRSM Kuantan. I guess I'm Azuan's super super super senior. I must have left long before he went there.
When you are at my age, meeting old friends is really a big deal. Not that we don't meet them, but it is not often ebough as everybody is busy with their own matters.
It's always great to reminisce about the good old days .
You have a good day too and don't wait for reunion dinners like this to get in touch with your friends.
Hi Ruby,
Exactly. It was exhilarating.
I guess our batch was the loudest group as there were so many of us. It felt so good to be among friends.
Thanks for the visit. by the way, I think the group picture is good too.. :)
From 600, how many still maintain their old figure? :-)
hahaha...that is a good question.I know quite a few have changed physically... including me...:)
Hello Nana, I see so many pretty ladies, which one is Nana? Ha ha.
Always exciting to meet old friends, classmates, boleh terperanjat pun, some looking the same, some totally changed.
I met a male friend, when he in his 20's, his phone never stopped ringing as he had looks that will melt even an old grandmother. But when older, I couldn't recognise him...too much late nights, drinking, skinny can count his bones.
Then met a lady, when she in her teens nobody wanted to date her as quite plain looking. But when I saw her at 50! Holy Smoke, until she smacked my shoulder and told me her name, I sure couldn't recognise her. She had a Vogue Model's kind of looks and figure. And after 3 kids too.
But hey! She recognised me la! Ha ha. You keep well, Nana, Lee.
Sounded like it was a great reunion! I haven't met many of my old classmates for a long time now.
Glad you got to meet yours recently.
U. Lee,
I'm the one with the sweetest smile... :).
We have a friend like that too. She was rather plain before. The guys liked to tease her because she used have braces and all. I remember, the first time we went for reunion after most of us completed our degree, many were taken by surprise when we saw her. The braces were gone and with a new hairstyle, she turned into a lovely young woman.
So, we learned our lesson that day. Never underestimate the plain janes. There is always a "barbie' hidden underneath.
Hi Puteri,
Yes, it was a great reunion. I'm so glad that I decided to go. Never had that much fun seeing old friends. I guess as we matured, we value our friendship more and more.
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