Monday, December 31, 2007

Goodbye 2007 and Welcome 2008

2007 came and 2007 went, well almost... in about a few hours.

As 2007 draws to a close, and 2008 is knocking, at first I thought of writing about all the plans that I failed to achieve in 2007 in this final blog for the year. But then on second thought, I decided not to. What's the use of pondering over something negative when I have another year coming for me to do what have yet to be done.

Anyway, as for resolutions, I guess mine still remain basically the same. I'm still hoping against all odds that;

- I will be able to lose at least 10kg.
- I will discover a fountain of youth that makes me look younger each day.

Hahahaha...wishful thinking, NaNa.

Well, on a serious note, I would like to take this opportunity to wish everybody happy holidays and hope you have a great and prosperous new year. I wish that 2008 will be a better year for us all. May our blessings be too many to count and our worries too few to matter.

See you again in 2008. I'm off to Chorus Hotel for New Year's Eve Dinner and Dance. Ellix told us that she wants to go dancing (kids nowadays... she's not even 7 but behaves like she's 17). After calling around, we find that the Hotel caters for families and hopefully we are going to have lots of fun!


mastura said...

selamat tahun baru 2008 NANA!

the resolution to lose 10kgs has been top on the list every year for me since 1993! i did it in 2005 and unfortunately that resolution didnt stuck in 2006 and but manage to get rid 10% of it in 2007 and lets hope 2008 can help shave the balance 90%.

as for that fountain of youth....ahah! the secret to look younger as we get all up here ...*tapping my head and nodding

anyway....while grilling burgers and hotdogs on the BBQ pit waiting in for the new year 2008, my BIL asked me the very same thing whether i have achieved all my resolutions for 2007 and took me awhile to answer because.....i have forgotten all the resolutions i made...hahaha ....but then it has always been my resolution each year to get by each year less scarred, wiser, richer,healthier, younger and lighter!...and oh yah to pay my bills on time, less or no debt and to close both eyes on all things lovely and nice paraded in the malls. and i told him that YES almost all achieved....amids and apart of all the family drama, 2007 has actually been a good year because every year i made the resolution to get both feet landed on mekkah soil and i did just that in 2007.

FOR 2008, i wish you and all your friends a very good year. prosperity in everything...spiritual, health and wealth.

NaNa said...

Hi Rimau Manja,

Same here. To lose at least 10kg has been there for the last 6 years and always at the top :) I always feel that once the excess weight checked in, it doesn't want to check out...hehehehe

How nice of you to finally be able to set your feet in Mekkah. I have been wanting to go there and Insyaallah, will try my best to make it this year.

Well, thanks for the visit and wishes.

Anonymous said...

Nana, I want to loose 10kg too!! Sigh ... (yeah, dream on Elviza)

Happy New Year friend

NaNa said...


Don't we all... :)

Pak Zawi said...

Am I too late to wish you a happy new year?
Lets compete with each other, I want to lose 5 kg, 10 kg is too much for me cos my trend has been adding more not shedding more all these years. It will be good enough if I can reverse the trend.
Lets do it. I have no more trousers to fit my 39 in tummy hahahaha.

Lee said...

Hi Nana, When I left Malaysia wayyy back in the 80's to come to Canada, I was 145 pounds. Weighed at Subang Airport.
In 15 years I put on 50 pounds!! Today I weigh 195 pounds.
But hey, I'm not a King Kong, ha ha, but thank goodness the weight evenly distributed throught my 6'1" frame, and no big tummy too. But at least I'm bigger than most Mat Sallehs here, ha ha.
Every Winter I put on 5 pounds, Summer, because its hot, I lose 6 pounds, so boleh la.
But I can lose weight very fast, 5 pounds in one week. How? I sleep very late at nights, next day no appetite, eat less. Ha ha.
You keep well Nana. Don't lose too much, women with abit of ahemmm some weight at strategic places always look good. Best regards, UL.

Anonymous said...

in year 1987 - 47kg
come 1997 - 57kg
end of 2007 - 67kg

by end of 2017 - ?????? only God knows and I'm less than 5ft"

Stop your imagination on how "slim" I'am!!!!!!!

McBudu said...

Happy New Year to you.... may 2008 brings more good news.

NaNa said...

Hi mcbudu,

Thanks for the visit. Happy New Year to you too!!

NaNa said...

Pak Zawi,

Happy New Year to you too.

Let's set the target. I really really...desperately need to lose my weight. There are so many of my clothes that I can't fit into now.

NaNa said...

Hi U. Lee,

I just can imagine you .. tall and handsome...hehehehe.

Well, I need to lose some, at the right places.. so that I can look better.. ahemm...ahemm...

Thanks for dropping by UL. Will visit your place soon.

NaNa said...

Hi anon@4.09pm,

when you put put the statistics like that, I can't help laughing.

Well, I'm sure you still look good.. :)

Thanks for the visit.