Thursday, October 4, 2007

Farewell Friends

It is sad to receive bad news one after another (actually don't know whether it's bad or good news ... depends on which perspective we are looking at).

These past few months we have seen many of the 'old' staff left the company, and the number keeps growing. To top that up, two more tendered their resignation... one on Monday and another one yesterday.

I feel so sad because not only they are dear friends of mine, but they are also among those who I think contributed a lot to the company thus far. They are heading two important departments here, one is on the revenue and another on controls the financial matters.

In my opinion, they left because they are not happy with the current situation of the company(but of course, another reason is because the offer is quite good to just let it go). Since the new management comes in, many of the staff who have served the company ever since its infant days (including yours truly) feel that we are not being appreciated . The new management see us as a bunch of jokers, idiots who do not know how to do our jobs. Hence, the reason why they bring in so many people at the top posts... some are just newly created. No doubt some are quite good (even though not as excellent as they were portrayed to be), but some are still yet to prove themselves worthy of the remuneration package given.

It has been seven months since the new management took over but so far I do not see much progress been made... apart from hiring new people and transferring some staff to other departments. Changes to the structure happens so fast nowadays. If they think a person is not suitable for that department (maybe because he/she tends to voice out his/her opinion about how things should be done), then that person will be transferred (again.. including yours truly). Those who tend to voice out opinion are seen as pro old management and those who just follow instructions are noted in their good book.. regardless whether they can perform their jobs effectively or not. I think I know which category I am regarded as even though I have no such intention of going against the new management. Too bad for me, I guess. :(

The question is what happens to one's competencies? Doesn't that count anymore? Well.. let's keep our finger crossed that they know what they are doing. Let's hope for the best.

The new ones are yet to prove their worth. Even though we are just a bunch of jokers, we have contributed in making the company the way it is now. The company is able to survive on its own without help from previous parent company or any bodies, be it government or private. The new ones got it easy.. they come in with good packages and enjoy the benefits of our hard efforts while we had to sacrifice a lot.. no increments and bonuses for the first 2,3 years when the company was fist started....hmm.. it seems so unfair. I guess some people have all the luck. But don't forget, life is just like a rolling wheel, sometimes you are up sometimes you are down.

Most of us love the company and we don't mind growing old with the company. But from the way it is now.. I think it's time to update my resume. Gosh.. it has been more than 9 years.... :(

Meanwhile, to 2 dear friends of mine.. I wish you all the best for your future undertakings. It is sad to see you go. But then as I told you both.. in a way I am happy for you too... you are going for greener pastures.


Pak Zawi said...

I am saddened by the turn of events at your company. It happens everywhere when there is a change of management. The new management will always want to prove a point that they are better keepers.
It is always the old serving staff that suffers. They are looked with much suspicion as to be more loyal to the former management than the new management. The new intake ofcourse will polish their way up to justify their existence, what more if they get a higher pay than the more senior staff.
You will have to ask yourself on what step to take up next. With all those years on the job, you definitely have built up a certain amount of self worth that should count towards getting a new job elsewhere.
Sometimes the adage that better be with the devil that you know of than an angel that you dont know and the grass is always greener on the other side of the hill is true.
To find a place that you really enjoy working is te ultimate. Nirvana is for those who find them.

McBudu said...

When new people take charge, they will think that they are much superior than the previous one. In the process, they'll try to get rid of the previous people, by all means. The basic methodologies still apply in any organisation, more often than not.

They may have a better plan for the organisation, but normally fail to address the “human side” systematically. Any significant transformation creates “people issues.”

Old guards will be asked to step down or leave, jobs will be changed, new skills and capabilities will be developed, and employees will be uncertain and resistant.

Anyway I still feel that any changes should be based on a realistic assessment of the capability of a staff, organization’s history, readiness, and capacity to change.

Until then, revise your resume, you might need it in time to come..:-)

NaNa said...

Dear Pak Zawi,

You are right. It's better to work with a devil that we know than an angel that we don't know.

I think the new management forgets that employees are one of the important factors that shaped the company. They are the assets.. that's why employees are called human resources. If the employees feel they are not being appreciated and feel demoralized, then the company will not be able to get the best out of its resources.

I thought I have found the right place.. a place that I can grow old with. I have worked at other places before, a much more reputable companies but I think this is the best thus far. Not because of what the company can offer, but because of its people.

NaNa said...


Yes, I think they are trying their best to get rid of the previous people. They have succeeded in getting rid of the top management and now they are moving down to the next level.

They may have a better plan for organization.. maybe.. but the funny thing is, up till now we are still not very clear of our mission, vision and the way forward. Nothing has been informed formally yet. And all these while I thought that should be the first agenda in any takeovers.

I guess this is similar to ethnic cleansing.,, except that it is done at the corporate level.. :(

I guess.. have to really consider updating my resume .. :)

Anonymous said...

Makin ramai pulak yang leaving kan. Hmmm apa yang kak 'nan' ckp tu memang betul. Apa pun yg org lama buat...even sebagus mana pun, ia tetap dipandang buruk. Tapi seburuk mana pun org baru/org luar buat kerja..ia nya adalah sesuatu yang baik dan kreatif...hmm.. dah pernah rasa dah.

NaNa said...


Memang susah nak convince orang yg dah set their perception pasal kita. It takes a lot of hardwork and heartache utk tunjukkan pada mereka yang kita taklah seteruk yang disangka.

Let's hope for the best.

Since As dah tak de kat sini, doa2kan lah kat kita org yang still around.. :)

Pak Zawi said...

I have fulfilled my promise to a certain friend. :). Sorry if I took too long to do it.

mastura said...

hi nana,...mmm this may seem a bit off topic but

was browsing thru your blog and noticed that we have some things in common like the blogs we surf and one of the operations i had to go thru was also a Myomectomy or removal of fibroid growth (need to compare notes with you about this if its ok).

anyway,hope you dont mind me surfing around from time to time and drop a line, two maybe more!

NaNa said...

Pak Zawi,

Tq so much for doing it. :)

NaNa said...


Really? Hmmm.. good to know that. At least we have something in common. And, of course, you are welcomed to drop as many lines as you like.. :)