Thursday, February 14, 2008

Love Is In The Air!

Come February the 14th, flowers, chocolates, gifts and words of love are exchanged between the loved ones all over the world in celebration of Valentine's day.

When I was in my teens, I really looked forward to this day as that is the time when I can send love poems to those whom I held dear to my heart and also those whom I secretly admired... and not forgetting the thrills of getting them too.

However, as I get older, I have somehow outgrown my infatuation towards St. Valentine and I feel that we don't need a person or a day to remind us to be nice to our loved ones. Love is something very precious and it should be celebrated everyday. Why wait for February 14th to show your love?

I once told my husband not to buy me roses on Valentine's day as I realize that the price charged is so unreasonable. How very unromantic of me.. considering that my star sign is Pisces. :)

Anyway, as I said before, we don't need February the 14th to show our love. Make it a point to say "I love you" to those people who mean so much to us as often as we can. Let them know that we care about them and we love them before it's too late. I learned my lesson well when my father passed away. I just hope that deep inside he knew how much I loved him even though I very seldom said it.

"I love you" , said on any day will always sound sweet.

A dazzling diamond bracelet, regardless whether given on Valentine's day, Mother's day or Birthday, is still a dazzling diamond bracelet and will always make a woman's heart melt. :)

As Mother Teresa said "Love: A fruit always in season."


Anonymous said...


Hah, wisely said. But the only time I can remember my other half said "I love you" was right after the akad nikah.

Courting time: he never said it
Now: still he never says it.

I rest my case.

p/s: I tell him I love him all the time though. :-)

mastura said...


this is my observation of my own mariage.

my husband, says "i love you" almost everyday. its nice to hear but too often plus when its weaved in between white lies, miscommunication, taken for granted ways....or plain disregard of what i have to say.....makes me ask he saying "i love you" simply to say it or he really mean it?

chances are he does mean it.....but it would mean more to me if he can cut down on the taken for granted part.....

so now, the phrase "i love you" is more like routine

well after 20 years together, everything begins to be routine!

anyway, i think it would be nice if my partner actually took the trouble to surprise me on valentine's day with something romantic ....instead of asking me as he always does .... it took the "romantic feeling" out of the whole thing

husband: you want to go for dinner?
wife: boleh jugak. you nak gi ke?
husband: if you want to go, i follow je.
wife: ey....we decide together la.
husband: i tak kisah
wife: anywhere good to go?
husband: let me check the papers. i love you.

a day later,

husband: what do you want to eat?
wife: meat
husband: ok steak....TGIF rm79++, alexis RM125++, fix menu can order ala carte. you want to eat crab?
wife: i said meat. wich part of "meat" you dont understand?
husband:ok. i love you.

on valentine's day, 7pm

husband:bila nak siap? u still want to go?
wife: tunggu magrib
husband: ok.

8.30pm at victoria's the queue was very long and the place was jam pack.

husband: we go somewhere else about gaucho's grill
wife: ok

9pm at gaucho's grill, already seated

wife: they only serve set menu la..they serve salmon...i mana makan salmon.
husband: ok. we go somewhere else.


husband: so nak pergi mana? ( said with a tired sigh looking bored and hungry)

wife: we walk to pavillion (in a high toned voice, already stressed because hungry and thinking if only )

husband: its far la...want to move the car?
wife: (looking at romantic couples around walking holding hands) no la we walk

husband: ok....( and proceed to walk ahead of wife)

9.45pm we end up eating at carlos

husband: set menu jugak. but there is meat. you can have that.

wife: ok

husband: good place la...set menu is cheap...rm100++ per couple. save banyak tu. kalau makan kat gaucho tadi rm180++.

wife: ok

husband: btw, i really like the surprise you sent to me at the office this morning. i love you

wife: ok la..i love you too...* sigh

NaNa said...

Hi Elviza,

Some men are like that. Takut gold keluar from the mouth if they say 'I love you' to the wife.

Keep saying that too him. Who knows...

mastura said...

alamak tertekan....publish...tak sempat habis tulis.

anyway, everything said is in good humor. i always take everything with a pinch of salt and loads of sugar. explains the KILOS....hahaha

love is in the air everyday, so does everything else...especially when my spouse believes in the "just because..." principle when it comes to giving gifts and flowers or other surprises. the truth is, what i noticed is becomes less and less as years past and now almost none......sad isnt it?....but he does say "i love you" almost every other day...... *smile

NaNa said...

Hi RM,

I tergelak when I read your comments. Certain things sound so familiar.

The 1st few years after marriage,we used to say I love you before we go to sleep... every night. Then it became less and less... ikut musim.

Now we do say I love you even though not as often as we used to. Once in a while I do get sms from him, when I least expected it.

Last night he took me and our daughter out for dinner. It was quite a nice one.. the place was nice, food was nice. He didn't get me flowers (he knows I don't like that) but I got a pair of shoes instead.....:)

Anyway, I was waiting for him to say those 3 words.. but *sigh*.. tak de pun. I guess he wanted me to be a mind reader and assume that what he did is actually a way of saying I love you.

So, when we got back I said to him "Do you know that you forgot something?" He said "what?" I replied.."never mind..."

As i said, he said those words to me when I least expected it.

NaNa said...


I guess most couples need not only love but also romance to spice up the marriage. I know I need that... badly..hehehehe

Most often we take our partners for granted and somehow things become routine.

Whatever it is.. having somebody very dear to your hear saying 'I love you' regardless whether he/she simply saying it or really mean it is definitely better than not having it at all.

Thanks for dropping by and have a good weekend!

Lee said...

Hi Nana, True love begins when nothing is looked for in return.
And Nana, romantic love reaches out in little ways, showing attention and admiration.
Romantic love remembers what pleases a woman, what excites her and what surprises her.
Its actions whisper, 'you are the most special person in my life'.
You have a pleasant evening, Lee.

J.T. said...

Hi Nana

I am with you on Valentine's celebration. One does not need to wait for 14th February to express one's love for another.

I used to look forward to the day when I was younger but now it is just another day. I am not against Valentine's Day. I think it is wonderful because some people need "reminders" about the importance of their loved ones in their lives. I just think that commercialism has taken over the day.

McBudu said...

You are definitely right about the way we express our love; should be a continuous affair instead of a YEARLY affair (That also must be reminded by others!) Love doesn't come with a specific date, be it day or night, gaji day or pokai will always there to celebrate.

Pak Zawi said...

I am lucky cos I don't celebrate Valentine's day. Otherwise she will think that I love her only once a year. We know we love each other when we are cuddled up trying to put each other to sleep at night and that happens almost everynight.

hazlindakim said...

Hello Nana,

Thank you for your visit.

There was one moment in time several years ago where I thought that it is meaningless in celebrating Valentine's Day. It is, as many have stated, too commercialized these days. Also, showing your love should be a daily constant act.

But then I did a U-turn from that. I told myself:
"What is the harm in buying a card with lovely words, putting down some money for a gift, going out for a nice dinner with the one you love once a year on this particular date?"
"Would it not make your partner happy to receive such gifts from you and have a good meal at a nice place with you?"
"Let's not focus on the date but rather what you are giving and doing together."

So, yup, with that in mind, Valentine's Day is back on! Ha ha ha...

Keep well, Nana.

ruby ahmad said...

Hello Nana,

I agree with everything taht you said here and especially on 'Mother's day'. I don't allow my sons to celebrate this day..he he. I said everyday..I want present..ha ha.

But Valentine's is an exception for me. I love the air about it even commercially induced..he he! Silly me.

Our individual man show's his love in different ways. One of the ways I love my man showing it to me is when I'm looking for a dress and he too, taking the trouble rummaging through the clothes rail in the shop and pulling out one, telling me that that particular dress will look good on me. I am always pleased with that.

But rimau manja cracked me up. RM is so honest and candid. So refreshing.

Enjoyed my visit here Nana. You keep well.

NaNa said...

U. Lee,

When it comes to love.... you are the sifu. Thanks very much for the wise words.

Have a good day!

NaNa said...

Hi JT,

Same here. I think Valentine's day is being too commercialized.
I have nothing against it. Infact, My husband took me and our daughter out for dinner. But, we do not treat it like it's something special that worth waiting for. To us February 14th is just like any other days.

NaNa said...


Yes, love should be celebrated everyday. It doesn't have to shown in the form of gifts, flowers, candies, etc. Sometimes a simple "I love you" is more than enough. and as you said.. it should be a continuous affair.

NaNa said...

Pak Zawi,

How sweet. I wish my husband and I will be like that.... even when we are in our golden years.

Thanks for the visit.

NaNa said...

Hi Hazlinda,

Thanks for the return visit.

You mentioned.. "Let's not focus on the date but rather what you are giving and doing together."

I agree with you. That should be the spirit. But somehow... valentine's day is being too commercialized and couples tend to forget that it's not the day that should be celebrated. Rather.. their feelings of love for each other.

Have a good day!

NaNa said...

Hi Ruby,

I think I should do the same too. Everyday should be Mother's day! :)

As I mentioned to JT, I have nothing against Valentine's day. We do go out for dinner and sometimes we do exchange presents. But we do it not because of the day but because we want to do so.

Glad to know that you enjoyed yourself here. Have a good day sis!