Wednesday, September 26, 2007

My Proud Moment

I am beaming with pride.

So far Ellix has managed to do her half-day fasting for about 7 days already. What makes us so proud is the fact that we never asked her to but she does it out of her own will. We just explained to her what puasa means and why Muslims are required to puasa during ramadhan. We told her that it is not compulsory for kids to puasa but it will good if they do.

The first time Ellix told me that she puasa and did not eat until she got back home from her Kindie, I really thanked God. Even though it was only half a day, it is better than nothing. It's a start!

I, in a way, wondered what makes her decided to fast. Somehow I was sure it's not from the pep-talk that I had with her. Later I found out that she decided to puasa because her close Kindie friends who are muslim mostly puasa and did not eat during break. She further said that "Mama, the teacher did not scold us for not eating and did not ask us to stand at a corner this time. She let us play while others eat".

Hmm.. as I said before, Ellix will always be Ellix.
- Given the choice of eating and playing, she would definitely choose to play.
- She succumbs to peer pressure. But, hey.. I don't mind. This is a good peer pressure.

I thank God for the rahmat bestowed upon me thus far. Looking at her now makes me realize that, despite having so many unfulfilled wishes, life is not that bad after all.


Pak Zawi said...

Nice, short and sweet name for Ellix. Rather an unusual name.
Tell Ellix that Uncle Zawi congratulate Ellix for successfuly fast for the past 7 (half) days. It is a no mean feat for a child of her age. Such training is good and above all she wasnt coaxed into doing it. Some parents reward their child by offering them something if they successfully fasted for the day. That is to motivate them.

NaNa said...

Hi Zawi,

Thanks for dropping by.

TQ. Ellix is the short form for Puteri Ellixafira. Yup.. it's quite an unusual name.

Will definitely let her know.She loves it when people complimented her.

McBudu said...

Naturally kids seldom eat. There are occasions where we have to force them to eat. My kids were enthusiastically waiting for the fasting month, for they don't have to bear their mother's scolding for not taking meals on time.

NaNa said...

Hi Mcbudu,

My daughter doesn't have problem with food but she has BIG problem when it comes to eating healthily. The blame of course on us... too much of fast food and takeaways.