Thursday, June 7, 2007

PM to Marry

Yesterday Pak Lah announced that he has found a companion in Jeanne Abdullah. They will marry on Saturday in a private ceremony which will be attended by family members and close friends.

To me it doesn't matter that he is to be married to his late wife's ex-sister-in-law. that is his rights and his choice. He has every right to be happy and to choose who he wants to marry.

There was something he said, as written in the Sun, which caught my attention: "I believe GOD has created in your heart space for different people that you can love as much as you want. You can love your mother, wife, daughter at the same time, but you never compare between them. GOD has created within you the capacity to love and develop relationships".

How true the statement is and I agree with you Pak Lah. May you find happiness with the new love of your life.

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